Saturday, 14 January 2012


BBC Three is launching a new program called “Technophobes”, following the lives of five people who are afraid of technology.

Demographics is age, sex, race, class, nationality, religion. So with Technophobes the audience that it will appeal to is 15-18, British black males, class D and E and any religion. The psychographics that will appeal to 'Technophobes' will be Funseekers and Free spirits.

The assumptions that are made about this program being based on BBC Three is that it will definitely be a documentary or a reality show. Normally with BBC Three the documentaries/reality show shown are split into episodes which keep the audience interested with the program. 

BBC Three is attracted by teenagers so assumptions of the program will be that it's about teenagers or teenagers will like that particular program. Eg, Confessions of a sex addict, Cherry Healey: Like a virgin and older programs like World's Strictest Parents and Undercover princesses.

Media Forms:
Codes and Conventions: informative, entertaining, voiceovers
You would be expecting to see teenagers that are afraid of technology. With BBC 3 people will expect it to be entertaining. The camera would be observational 

'Technophobes' position or opinion will present negatively because they're teenagers who don't like technology. They wont be looked at as the 'norm' because in the year 2012 teenagers are all about technology. People would mock them a lot.

Web Blog
I just watched Technophobes on BBC three and it was so funny how those 'teenagers' didn't like or were afraid of technology. I found it so dumb how they could be teenagers and not like technology. I mean, today's society is all about technology... people cant live with out it nowadays but for these people to claim that they dont like it or afraid of it is just beyond me - how do they survive? 

There was a guy called Mark who screamed every time he saw a Blackberry or anything closely related to it! If I was there I would of laughed in his face because he's surrounded by them everyday - so he must be screaming a hell of a lot. 

And there was a girl called Rachel who locked herself in her room because she was afraid of the internet, computers and phones, I know her parents must think shes weird because the looks that they were giving the camera when she ran away because they told her they made a facebook account got me laughing SO MUCH!

The thing that makes me laugh the most is that they cant even see what im writing about them because they are afraid of technology LOL ..I can't wait for the next episode when we meet 2 more 'technophobes' - lets just see how crazy and weird they are. 

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